Why everyone should think like a lawyer


LAWYERS ARE often seen as the most tedious of professionals. And the most derided (“What do you know when you find a lawyer up to his neck in concrete? Someone ran out of concrete”). Yet that damning reputation is undeserved: lawyers are in fact role models. The method and meticulousness entrenched in the legal style […]

How Chinese goods dodge American tariffs


Queues of idle trucks trying to enter America are standard fare at Mexico’s border. Recently, however, vehicles at the Otay Mesa crossing, which separates California and the city of Tijuana, have been lining up to get into Mexico. The trucks do not travel far—they offload their shipping containers in newly built warehouses just 15km south […

R. Lakshmi Narayan vs. Santhi (2001)

Legal Law

This article is written by Shafaq Gupta. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the judgement delivered by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in R. Lakshmi Narayan v. Santhi. It deals with insanity as a ground for declaring a marriage null and void as per Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 and the degree of burden […]

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