Long distance relationship tips: 5 ways to stay connected

Published on Apr 30, 2024 06:15 PM IST

  • From writing letters to playing board games virtually, here are five ways to stay connected in long distance relationships.


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Published on Apr 30, 2024 06:15 PM IST

Long distance relationships demand more attention and effort because we do not get to be with our [partner physically all the time. Hence, to make them feel seen, valued and loved, we need to resort to ways to stay connected throughout and improve emotional intimacy. Therapist Trevor Hanson shared a few tips.


The old school style of writing physical letters to each other can never stop being romantic. Instead of mails or text messages, write long letters to each other. (Unsplash)
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Published on Apr 30, 2024 06:15 PM IST

The old school style of writing physical letters to each other can never stop being romantic. Instead of mails or text messages, write long letters to each other. (Unsplash)


We can choose podcasts that intersect with the interest of us and the partner and listen to them together. We can discuss and have conversations regarding the same. 
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Published on Apr 30, 2024 06:15 PM IST

We can choose podcasts that intersect with the interest of us and the partner and listen to them together. We can discuss and have conversations regarding the same. 


Over FaceTime or Zoom, we can play board games to embrace the inner child in us. This will also make us look forward to spending time together. (Unsplash)
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Published on Apr 30, 2024 06:15 PM IST

Over FaceTime or Zoom, we can play board games to embrace the inner child in us. This will also make us look forward to spending time together. (Unsplash)


Instead of shying away from difficult conversations, we should talk to each other and be completely honest with our perspectives. 
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Published on Apr 30, 2024 06:15 PM IST

Instead of shying away from difficult conversations, we should talk to each other and be completely honest with our perspectives. 


We should let each other see the vulnerable side in us. This helps in developing emotional intimacy and growing as a couple. (Pexels)
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Published on Apr 30, 2024 06:15 PM IST

We should let each other see the vulnerable side in us. This helps in developing emotional intimacy and growing as a couple. (Pexels)

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