Majority businesses have responsible AI practices: report

At least 60 per cent of the businesses reported having either matured Responsible AI (RAI) practices and policies or having initiated formal steps towards RAI adoption, according to a Nasscom report.

The escalating need for RAI among AI users and stakeholders is compelling industry leaders to invest in advanced RAI tools and strategies while emphasising transparency in their AI practices. As businesses scale up AI maturity, they also tend to report higher RAI maturity.

The survey noted that 30 per cent reported having a basic awareness of RAI imperatives without a formal strategy or framework. Developers are almost two times more likely than users to report higher levels of RAI maturity.

AI landscape

Debjani Ghosh, President Nasscom said, “2023 was undoubtedly the year of AI and brought to the fore both opportunities and risks that are central to AI adoption. It also spurred discussions on the need for ethical and responsible AI and its pivotal role in solidifying brand integrity and nurturing enduring relationships with stakeholders.”

As India gears up to become a global epicentre for AI development and use, these insights will serve as a compass for AI governance and regulations that strike a delicate equilibrium between nurturing innovation and upholding ethical principles, she added.

Large enterprises are 2.3 times more likely than start-ups and 1.5 times more likely than SMEs to report matured RAI practices. Moreover, a majority of businesses operating across key industries are progressing to achieve satisfactory levels of RAI maturity. Around two-third of businesses in sectors such as BFSI, TMT and Healthcare reported having either matured RAI practices or having initiated formal steps towards RAI adoption, the report noted.

Workforce commitment

Workforce development remains central for businesses to ensure robust RAI implementation. As per the survey findings, 89 per cent of businesses that reported matured RAI practices and policies also reported commitments to continue investments in workforce sensitisation and training for RAI compliance. Over 60 per cent of businesses that reported lower levels of RAI maturity also reported commitments to improve compliance through investments in workforce sensitisation and training.

Leadership support is crucial for successful RAI adoption and businesses lean towards top-down accountability for RAI compliance. 69 per cent of respondents suggested that the major share of accountability for RAI compliance should lie with the C-suite or the board of directors at their companies, according to the report.

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