Pan-Borneo Highway – Sarawak portion of the project set to be completed this year, says works ministry

Nine years after construction was first announced, the long-running Pan-Borneo Highway – first envisioned six decades ago – is expected to see the completion of the Sarawak portion of the project later this year, Bernama reports.

According to works minister Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi, the work progress of the Sarawak portion of the project has reached 98.91%, and although build is still progressing in certain areas, he said the works ministry will ensure that the project will be completed this year.

“Some changes still need to be done to the design because of soil problems at the locations involved. That’s why the work progress of the project has yet to reach 100%,” he said. The entire Sarawak section of the highway, which stretches 1,090 km from Tanjung Datu in the west to Merapok up north, was originally set to be completed in 2021, two years ahead of that originally mooted.

As for the 1,236 km-long Sabah portion of the highway, Nanta said its work progress was almost at 87% for Phase 1A, which involves 15 work packages. He added that the Phase 1B package, which consists of 19 work packages, is currently at the tender process. The Pan-Borneo Highway is expected to be completed in its entirety by 2028.

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