VentureBlick to help Indian health tech start-ups go global

VentureBlick, a global platform for healthcare innovation, has signed a memorandum of understanding with start-up ecosystem enabler T-Hub to groom health tech start-ups and promote cross-border cooperation.

With a network of over 2,000 healthcare experts, advisors, innovators and investors, VentureBlick seeks to expand to India and help curate solutions for Indian healthcare start-ups and help them expand their operations globally. 

The two organisations will collaborate to create an ecosystem that promotes innovation, knowledge exchange between countries, and distribution and marketing support for healthcare start-ups in India.

Medical devices imports

“India imports 70-80 per cent of its medical devices. We want to empower Indian entrepreneurs to create innovative healthcare technology not only for India but also for the world,” Kailash Jialdasani, Head of Operations – South Asia at VentureBlick, said.

Chris Lee, Founder and CEO of VentureBlick, said that his organisation would promote cross-border collaboration “because innovative healthcare solutions know no borders”.

“An idea born in India could revolutionise healthcare in Korea, China, or Europe. By forging stronger partnerships across borders and sectors, we uncover opportunities that move global healthcare innovation forward,” he said.

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