What drives and crushes mergers and acquisitions : an insight

This article has been written by Utsav Pachouri, pursuing a Diploma in Advanced Corporate Taxation and Tax Litigation course from LawSikho and edited by Shashwat Kaushik.

This article has been published by Shashwat Kaushik.

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are like a high-stakes game of chess in the business world. Companies come together with the hope of achieving rewards. They can also face unexpected challenges. This article explores the driving forces behind M&A, such as synergy, diversification, economies of scale and increased market share. It also discusses the pitfalls that can hinder these endeavours, including overvaluation clashes in company cultures, difficulties in integrating operations and regulatory hurdles.

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Moreover, we delve into the role played by investment banks in M&A transactions. They provide services ranging from support to valuation expertise, deal negotiation assistance, due diligence assessments and capital raising guidance.

To gain an understanding of the M&A landscape, we examine notable case studies that encompass both unsuccessful outcomes. Successful stories like Disney’s acquisition of Pixar and Facebook’s purchase of Instagram demonstrate how strategic acquisitions can yield benefits. On the other hand, failed mergers such as AOL’s fated union with Time Warner and HP’s problematic acquisition of Autonomy offer valuable lessons in risk management.

Come along as we explore the secrets of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). We want to give you a better understanding of the world of partnerships, where big profits or losses can happen. Making smart decisions is a key part of shaping the future for industries and businesses.


When two separate companies decide to combine themselves, including their assets and operations, into a single entity, it is called a merger. The motive behind mergers is to create a systematic organisation that is more efficient, powerful and competitive in the market.

Types of mergers

There are three types of mergers:

Horizontal merger

  • Involve companies that are in the same industry and market.
  • The aim of this type of merger is to eliminate competition and achieve economies of scale.

Vertical merger

  • Involve companies that are in the same industries but are valued differently.
  • The aim of this type of merger is to reduce production costs, improve efficiency and gain better control over the supply chain.

Conglomerate merger

  • Involve companies that are from different and unrelated markets.
  • The aim of this type of merger is to enter new markets.


Acquisitions happen when one company buys the shares and assets of another company, resulting in the acquired company becoming a subsidiary of the acquiring company.

Types of acquisitions

Types of acquisitions are:

  1. Asset acquisition- This type of acquisition involves purchasing specific assets of the target company.
  2. Stock acquisition- This type of acquisition involved purchasing all the shares of the target company to gain control and ownership over the company.


Synergy refers to the concept that when two companies join forces, their combined value surpasses the sum of their parts. This notion often serves as a driving force behind mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Achieving synergy can take many forms, such as cutting costs by eliminating departments or operations, boosting revenue through increased market share and enjoying tax benefits at the corporate level.


Diversification is a strategy employed to manage risk by incorporating a variety of investments into a portfolio. Companies may opt for M&A activities to diversify their business operations and investment holdings. By acquiring companies in industries or regions, they can shield themselves from market volatility and risks to particular sectors.

Economies of scale

Economies of scale arise when a company enjoys cost advantages due to increased production levels. This advantage stems from the relationship between fixed costs per unit and the quantity produced. As output increases, fixed costs per unit decrease accordingly. Companies can achieve economies of scale by spreading costs across volumes of goods or services, resulting in reduced expenses and enhanced operational efficiency.

Increased market share

Market share represents the portion of sales that a company holds within the market it operates in. Companies may opt for mergers and acquisitions (M&A) to boost their market share, which can lead to bargaining power with suppliers and customers, greater brand recognition and other advantages.

Access to new markets

M&A also provides companies with an opportunity to enter markets where they previously had no presence. This could include entering a market or expanding into a new product market. By acquiring a company that already has an established presence in these markets, a company can potentially mitigate the risks associated with entering territory.

While there are factors that drive M&A deals, there are also elements that can hinder their success. Here are some of the factors:

Paying too much for the target company

Overvaluation occurs when the acquiring company pays more for the target company than its value. This can happen due to reasons like market hype, inaccurate financial projections or competing offers from potential acquirers. Overpaying can strain the acquiring company financially. This makes it challenging to generate a return on investment, potentially leading to the failure of the merger or acquisition.

Cultural clash between companies involved

Every company has its own culture, which encompasses values, beliefs and approaches. When two companies with different cultures merge, it can result in misunderstandings and conflicts. Decreased morale among employees. This can impede the integration process. Hinder the entity from realising its full potential.

Inadequate integration of merging companies

Integration entails merging the operations, systems and processes of both companies involved in a certain manner. It is an undertaking that necessitates planning and execution. Poor integration efforts can result in inefficiencies, loss of talent, customer dissatisfaction and failure to achieve anticipated synergies from the merger or acquisition.

Regulatory obstacles

When companies merge or acquire each other, it’s important to obtain approval from agencies to ensure they comply with laws and other regulations. These agencies carefully examine the transaction to evaluate its effects on competition, consumers and the overall industry.

Investment banks play a crucial role in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions. Here are some of the key responsibilities:

Advisory role

Investment banks advise companies on the execution of transactions where the owners sell their business to buyers, acquire smaller companies (targets), and divest or acquire specific divisions or assets from other companies. They offer services in strategic transaction advisory, such as assisting with debt and equity issuances, facilitating capital placements and providing guidance on important strategic transactions like mergers, acquisitions and divestitures.

Additionally, investment banks provide industry overviews that inform decision making during the M&A process. These overviews highlight the dynamics within industries and assist in identifying the most pertinent companies for consideration.


One of the main roles of investment banking in mergers and acquisitions is to establish fair value for the companies involved in the transaction. They keep their fingers on the pulse of industry M&A trends to set valuation expectations for client companies.

Deal negotiation

Investment banks help negotiate the final terms of the deal. They ensure that the deal is closed at the fairest and most profitable price for both interested parties—the buyer and seller.

  1. Due diligence: Investment banks set up an online diligence “data room” and serve as the primary liaison between the buyer (and/or its advisors) and seller during due diligence.
  2. Capital raising: Investment banks also help raise capital for M&A deals.

Throughout history, there have been mergers and acquisitions that have proven to be highly successful. These transactions have not brought value to the acquired companies. Also benefited their customers, employees and shareholders. These deals have led to the creation of synergies, diversification, economies of scale, increased market share and increased access to markets. Lets take a look at a couple of examples;

  1. Back in 2006, Disney made a move when it purchased Pixar for $7.4 billion. This acquisition not only granted Disney access to Pixar’s team and cutting edge technology but also gave them valuable intellectual property rights. Interestingly, the agreement allowed Pixar to preserve its autonomy and distinctive culture. As a result of this deal, Disney’s position in the animation industry was greatly fortified, while their brand image received an added boost. Since then, we’ve seen Pixar create blockbuster hits like Up, Inside Out, Coco and Soul under the Disney umbrella.
  2. Another noteworthy acquisition took place in 2012, when Facebook purchased Instagram for $1 billion. This strategic move allowed Facebook to tap into Instagram’s growing user base—among younger generations and mobile users—providing them with expanded reach and influence in the social media landscape. By adding Instagram to its portfolio, Facebook was able to compete with other platforms like Twitter and Snapchat. These examples highlight how successful mergers and acquisitions can bring about benefits for all parties involved while driving growth in aspects of business operations. Ever since the acquisition took place, Instagram has experienced growth, with its monthly active user base surging from 30 million to over 1 billion. It has now become a driver of revenue and a hub for innovation within the realm of Facebook.
  3. Microsoft made a move in 2016 by acquiring LinkedIn, the professional networking site, for a whopping $26.2 billion. This acquisition provided Microsoft with access to LinkedIn data, network and products. As a result, LinkedIn was able to benefit from Microsoft’s cloud technology, artificial intelligence capabilities and office software suite. This partnership also opened doors for both companies to cross promote. Integrate their services. Since the acquisition, LinkedIn has experienced growth in revenue, user engagement and product offerings, solidifying its position as an asset for Microsoft.

Throughout history, there have been mergers and acquisitions that ended up being unsuccessful, causing harm to both the acquiring and acquired companies. These failures had consequences for stakeholders, such as customers, employees and shareholders. Such unsuccessful deals often occurred due to factors like overvaluation of the target company, conflicts arising from differences between the parties, inadequate integration efforts or regulatory obstacles. Lets take a look at an example-

  1. In 2000, AOL made headlines with its acquisition of Time Warner, a media conglomerate. With a price tag of $164 billion, the deal aimed to combine AOL’s internet business with Time Warner’s content business in hopes of achieving synergy. However, this ambitious endeavour turned out to be disastrous for various reasons. The dot com bust heavily impacted the deal’s success, while clashes between cultures and management styles further exacerbated the situation. Additionally, inadequate efforts to integrate their operations and technologies played a role in its failure. The aftermath included losses, massive layoffs across both organisations, significant write offs on investments made during the deal process, as well as legal disputes. Consequently, in 2009, AOL was spun off from Time Warner. Became a company once again.
  2. HP bought Autonomy, the software company, for $11 billion. The deal was supposed to enhance HP’s software portfolio and diversify its revenue streams. However, the deal turned out to be a fraud due to the accounting irregularities and misrepresentations by Autonomy’s management. The deal resulted in an $8.8 billion write-down by HP, a criminal investigation by the US Department of Justice, and a legal battle between HP and Autonomy’s former executives.
  3. In 2014, Microsoft made a move by acquiring Nokia’s phone business for $7.2 billion. The intention behind this deal was to strengthen Microsoft’s presence in the smartphone market and give competition to Apple and Google. However, things didn’t go as planned due to factors including the decline in Nokia’s market share, the lack of demand for Windows Phone devices among consumers and the intense competition from smartphone manufacturers. As a result, Microsoft had to face a $7.6 billion restructuring of its phone division and, unfortunately, lay off 18,000 employees.

Leadership plays a vital role in any company and when the companies are merged, their roles become even more significant. Clear communication is important from the management to eliminate confusion and uncertainties during mergers or acquisitions. When people feel that they are being valued by their leader, they are less likely to leave the company. This leads to employee retention and reduces the risks related to talent departure after the M&A.

Companies that are engaged in cross border transactions must pay special attention to cultural differences. The AOL and Time Warner merger failed mainly because the management did not pay attention to cultural differences. After a merger or acquisition, management must comprehend the culture of the target company and make an effort to build a cordial working relationship that will benefit the business as a whole. An environment of trust and proper administration keepin in mind the differences makes the M&A successful.

In summary, the world of mergers and acquisitions is a landscape where both opportunities and challenges exist side by side. This article has revealed the factors that drive M&A activities, highlighting how companies aim to achieve synergy, diversify their portfolios, gain economies of scale and expand their market presence. However, it is important to acknowledge the risks involved. Overvaluation, clashes, cultural difficulties in integration and regulatory hurdles all present substantial obstacles.

Investment banks play a role in facilitating and optimising M&A transactions. They offer services such as support, valuation assessments, negotiation assistance, thorough due diligence processes and capital raising expertise. Their knowledge and experience are invaluable when navigating the terrain of acquisitions.

By examining cases alongside failures in this field, we have witnessed the impact of M&A when executed effectively. At the same time, we have also learned from stories that emphasise the importance of conducting thorough due diligence and ensuring strategic alignment before proceeding.

As businesses continue to pursue growth, innovation and market leadership ambitions, mergers and acquisitions will continue to shape industries and economies. Achieving success in this realm requires a combination of vision, discipline and adaptability, all rooted in an understanding of the factors that drive or impede these high stakes transactions.

The knowledge gained from both successes and setbacks in the field of mergers and acquisitions offers insights for those who engage in the game.

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