Why women are still battling and blamed for society’s problems with infertility?

Women continue to be unfairly blamed for societal problems with infertility, even though infertility can be caused by a multitude of factors, including male issues. This blame places an unnecessary burden on women and contributes to feelings of inadequacy and failure.

Why women are still battling and blamed for society’s problems with infertility? (StockPic)

Society’s narrow focus on women as the culprits of infertility also serves to reinforce traditional gender roles and expectations. By placing the blame solely on women, there is a lack of accountability for partners and a failure to address the systemic issues that may contribute to fertility challenges.

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Blaming women solely for infertility can impact their mental well-being

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Ankita Kaushal, Consultant – Fertility and IVF at Motherhood Fertility and IVF in Kharghar, shared, “Infertility is a complex issue that affects both men and women, yet society often places the blame solely on women. This societal stigma can lead to feelings of shame and embarrassment for women struggling with infertility, impacting their mental well-being. The pressure to conceive and the constant scrutiny can take a toll on their self-esteem and overall mental health. They can feel frustrated, guilty, embarrassed, ridiculed, isolated, agitated and suicidal.”

She advised, “It’s crucial to recognise that infertility is not always the result of a woman’s actions or biology. There are various factors at play, including medical conditions, genetics and environmental influences. Placing the blame on women only perpetuates harmful stereotypes and adds unnecessary stress to an already challenging situation. Society needs to shift its perspective and offer support and understanding rather than judgment and condemnation towards individuals facing infertility.”

Asserting that society has a crucial role in changing the narrative around infertility and refraining from blaming women for their struggles to conceive, Dr Ankita Kausha said, “It is important to recognise that infertility is a medical condition that can affect anyone, regardless of gender. By shifting focus away from placing blame on women, create a more supportive environment where individuals feel empowered to seek help and support without fear of judgment.”

Concluding, she suggested, “To break free from this cycle of shame and embarrassment, it’s essential to open up conversations about infertility openly and empathetically. By creating a safe space for women to share their experiences without fear of judgment, work towards building a more supportive community for those dealing with infertility. Let’s dismantle the notion that infertility is solely a woman’s burden and instead advocate for compassion, education, and acceptance in addressing this sensitive issue in society.”

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